Thursday, March 1, 2007

Some things never change...

An example of a contemporary Cap:

Monday, February 26, 2007

Jesus Camp Questions (due Wednesday, Feb. 28)

Please answer the following questions in paragraph form (that means 5-15 complete sentences in which you thoroughly answer each question.

1. What are the ideological goals of the Jesus Camp? How may these goals be seen as a "hegemonic force"?
2. What do radical evangelical Christians believe is the "other" hegemonic force in U.S. public schools that is counter to their goals? Why do you think they feel so passionate about rejecting scientific theories?
3. In what ways are radical evangelical Christians "subcultural"? In what ways are they "mainstream"? (Think of the Ted Haggard interview in "Jesus Camp")
4. What is problematic about involving kids (7,8,9 years old) in this kind of "ideological battle"? (Feel free to argue that NOTHING is problematic about this.)
5. How do YOU feel about "Jesus Camp"? What was your intellectual/emotional reaction to watching the movie?